Posted by Charlie on 5/29/2018 to
It's website re-do time! We apologize for the confusion during the process! But, we are working to make things easier for you to see, find, and purchase JOBMAN Workwear products. These quality workwear products need a quality website, and we are working hard to make it so you can find what you need easily, and purchase them easily online via our website. The biggest change will be to our mobile side of the web, where you can now see the same interface on both the desktop versions and the mobile versions of our website. If you have recently had trouble via our mobile side, it was not your device, it was us making the change. Try us again via mobile if you had trouble.
We are also adding products questions and answers, so you can easily ask questions about our products and others can share in the answers. We hope this will help everyone get a better understanding of these quality workwear products.